Alex Kadyrov – Software Developer

Hey! I’m Alex 🤖

I’m here to build and launch web solutions, platforms, CLI tools, parsers, and websites for small and mid-size businesses.

I speak your business language and know how to get sh*t done fast and efficiently.

If you are an outsourcing company, web agency, small startup, or a freelancer, I'm ready to help you with:

Blockchain, Web3, and dApps

Are you already in the crypto space? If so, I’m here to build your next web3 product: token, marketplace, NFT minting platform, or even staking platform.

Custom Software Development

Do you need a specific or custom solution, such as CRM, parsers or crawlers, command-line tool, content management system (CMS), business automation tool?

Web Development & SEO

Every company or business person needs an amazing and fast website for their clients. I am ready to bring your custom website to life within just one week.

My Recent Blog Posts